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According to § 28 BDSG, I oppose any commercial use and transfer of my data. The imprint is only for the internet presence under the content-identical addresses: http://www.mountain-goat.de and http://www.mountain-goat.eu.

Service provider:

Ulrike Kellner-Goodwin
Josef-Adler-Strasse 6
D-93049 Regensburg

Telefon: +49(0)941270520
Telefax: +49(0)941270510
E-Mail: info@mountain-goat.de
GPS: 49.02 (49°1‘) / 12.07 (12°4')

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE133793880

Web design and integration:

ROSP InternetService
Robert Spandl
Mail: info[at]rosp[dot]de
Web: www.rosp.de


Copyright and use:

The author specifically grants you the right to make a private copy for personal use. You are not authorized however, to change the materials and / or pass it on or to publish.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, the copyright for texts are with Mrs. Ulrike Buergel-Goodwin.

Most illustrations are subject to copyright by Mrs Buergel-Goodwin (own productions) or Fotolia.com (Licensee: Florian Schiessl, http://www.ifs-net.de and Ulrike Buergel-Goodwin)

Privacy: Personal information is only collected with your knowledge and consent. Upon request, you will receive free information about your stored personal data. To do this, please contact: info@mountain-goat.de
No liability: The contents of this website have been carefully checked and prepared to the best of our knowledge. But for the information presented here there is no claim to completeness, timeliness, quality and accuracy. It can not be held responsible for damages caused by reliance on the contents of this site or its use.

Property rights: If you assume that is injured by this site one of your rights, please notify us immediately by e-mail, so that corrective measures can be taken. Please note: To appoint a lawyer to be paid by the service provider does not correspond to his real or presumed will.


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There are no special hours of availability by phone.

For assembly questions which are discussed best by speech you can call our technician. He is reachable best in the evening (f.e. 20:00 CET) under +49-941-270520. In the weekend too.

Questions about already done orders or shop access (f.e. forgotten password) please send by email to info@mountain-goat.de .

We only sell online. Please place new orders only via webstore. But we gladly give you pre-order counsel by email or phone +49-941-270520 or +49-1609-7609198.